Welcome to Recurve

Unlock the True Power of Data with Generative AI

Recurve is a data pioneer building an AI-powered unified data platform for seamless analytics and high-quality data at scale

The future of Data operation
One platform to run orchestration, data modeling and semantics
Recurve unveils mysterious adhoc data processes, decouples complex monoliths into organized workflows with manageable functionalities and responsibilities
A True Integrated Experience
Unlike other tools with fragmented data flow management, we offer integrated modeling for the entire data lifecycle.
Pipeline Modeling
Build AI-native orchestration and  automate workflow with reusable multi-modal pipeline models
Data Modeling
Create Modular SQL/Python data models that could be easily managed and updated
Semantic Modeling
Translate analytics into actions in operation with reliable metrics calculated from the data models and pipelines

Meet Our Innovators

Our team of experts is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of Data technology.

Tony Ren

Chief Executive Officer

Chao Liu

Chief Operation Officer

Viet Pham

Chief Technology Officer

Yangliang Li

VP of Engineering

The Recurve Platform

Optimize Your Data Workflow and BI Operation

Data modeling and orchestration form the core foundation of Recurve, with other groundbreaking components developing around these central pillars.

  • Unified Data Integration
    Recurve provides unified connection management, supporting multiple connectors such as APIs and both structured and unstructured data systems, delivering a seamless plug-and-play experience.
  • Data Orchestration Management
    Common ETL processes are abstracted into reusable built-in operators, such as transferring data between sources or customizing Airflow schedules. This empowers developers to design workflows with ease.
  • AI-driven Innovation
    Speed up and save time with auto-documentation, LLM-based data transformation, and generated pipelines. Our AI engine understands what your data mean and how to prepare it for serving, before you know it.
  • Scalable Data Solutions
    Our platform scales with your business, supporting growing data volumes and increasing complexity.
  • Comprehensive Analytics
    Gain deep insights into your data with our robust analytics tools, tailored to meet your unique needs.
  • Secure Data Management
    Protect your data with our advanced security features, ensuring compliance and safeguarding against threats.

Join us on a journey to revolutionize your data management approach.

Your data, our expertise. Let's create something extraordinary together.

Empower your data projects with Recurve's comprehensive solutions.

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